Mallard Bay

The Airbnb for Outfitters

Paid ads management for over 40 client accounts, CRM optimization, and strategic reporting.

Mallard Bay

The Airbnb for Outfitters

Paid ads management for over 40 client accounts, CRM optimization, and strategic reporting.

Mallard Bay

The Airbnb for Outfitters

Paid ads management for over 40 client accounts, CRM optimization, and strategic reporting.

Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example

Anthem Video

Plan Trips. Go Experience.

The quickest way for a sportsman to book with reputable guides and outfitters.

How we Fostr'd

Managed Over 50 Client Ad Accounts for Mallard Bay's Agency Offering in Addition to Their Internal Digital Ads

Mallard Bay offers both B2B and B2C solutions. We supported both of their marketing initiatives in addition to their growth marketing efforts.

How we Fostr'd

Managed Over 50 Client Ad Accounts for Mallard Bay's Agency Offering in Addition to Their Internal Digital Ads

Mallard Bay offers both B2B and B2C solutions. We supported both of their marketing initiatives in addition to their growth marketing efforts.

How we Fostr'd

Managed Over 50 Client Ad Accounts for Mallard Bay's Agency Offering in Addition to Their Internal Digital Ads

Mallard Bay offers both B2B and B2C solutions. We supported both of their marketing initiatives in addition to their growth marketing efforts.

8 Million Impressions

We reached nearly 75 million people across 8 different ad platforms.

7.2k+ Generated Leads

With direct access to Spotify's ad network, we were able to reach our target market while they were consuming some of their favorite content.

81% Decrease in CPL

Unique video content and placements allowed for an exceptional video engagement rate.

8 Million Impressions

We reached nearly 75 million people across 8 different ad platforms.

7.2k+ Generated Leads

With direct access to Spotify's ad network, we were able to reach our target market while they were consuming some of their favorite content.

81% Decrease in CPL

Unique video content and placements allowed for an exceptional video engagement rate.

8 Million Impressions

We reached nearly 75 million people across 8 different ad platforms.

7.2k+ Generated Leads

With direct access to Spotify's ad network, we were able to reach our target market while they were consuming some of their favorite content.

81% Decrease in CPL

Unique video content and placements allowed for an exceptional video engagement rate.

Experiences like nowhere else

The Perfect Tool for Sportsmen and Outfitters

Let's Connect

See what a little can do for your business.

Paid Ads Experts

Transparent Reporting

Extension of Your Team